Manuela's blog

Hi, I'm Manuela, and I finally decided to start writing a blog. I like flowers, cooking, and unsolved mysteries. My secret dream is to travel to the other side of the world, like my father supposedly did.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Som sa dnes len tak browsovala cez tie reporty z pripady, pozerala si vyriesene ulohy co my mame, a zrazu mi to tak dokopy zacalo make sense... a som to ukazala do Prestona a on hned pochopil co s tym. No a poslali sme tam jedneho znameho, no a teraz mame tie zahadne plany. A tie teda make sense nerobia. Aspon zatial.

Ale my to pohneme. A najviac dolezito, sa mi zda, ze nikto iny o tom nevie... we might be onto something here :)))