Manuela's blog

Hi, I'm Manuela, and I finally decided to start writing a blog. I like flowers, cooking, and unsolved mysteries. My secret dream is to travel to the other side of the world, like my father supposedly did.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dvaja patraci

Ked rodina predala domenu detektivnej agenture, sme este netusili, ze onedlho pre nu budeme aj my pracovat. My sme s Prestonom boli prisli na Slovensko sa naucit po Slovensky lepsie a stretnut rodina. On vtedy ukazal mi webpage a sme sa pozerali a nas to zaujalo.

Phew. I fear I still can't get the grammar right, but my Slovak vocabulary keeps on improving. Anyway, since we both returned home, we are both spending a lot of time investigating the mysteries for the Haluz agency. Wish us luck :)

P.S.: google docs really rock if your teammate is half a world away ;)


Blogger Unknown said...

It seems to me you have solved all the problems very vary fast. How do you achieve this.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Manuela María de la Rama Villanueva said...

pure skill :)

3:42 AM  

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